WITH Homemade Vanilla Icing Sugar

This recipe is a lovely Christmas memory and family heritage. My grandpa's sister always brought biscuits in large paper bags, more than 100 pancakes and other lovely cakes every time she visited the family on birthdays or holidays, one of these repertoire was Crème Fraîche Biscuits.

I have the photos of her handwritten recipe book with me and after at least 10 years I've prepared her famous Christmas biscuits again. When you read this recipe book, you can discover that at the beginning her handwriting was so neat and her last notes were messier because of rheumatism... this little notebook is filled up with the memories of a lifetime. When I was young and didn't know that my parents put the Christmas presents under the tree, I normally spent the last days before Christmas Eve at her house and took part in the last few days of Christmas baking.

By the way, in Hungary, the Mikulás (Santa Claus) comes on the 6th December, and leave some treats for the good kids in their previously cleaned shoes, and some charcoal or golden painted wands for the naughty ones. On Christmas Eve the Jézuska (little Jesus) -or the Angel in Transylvanian-Hungarian folklore- brings the presents and leave them under the tree.

For this recipe I've used a moist filling I prepared originally for my traditional Hungarian Christmas cake -called Bejgli- too.



  • 500 g flour
  • 25 g fresh yeast
  • 180 g lard
  • 250 ml crème fraîche
  • 1 large pinch salt


Homemade vanilla icing sugar - if you have no time to prepare it, you can buy some as well

  • 250 g icing sugar
  • 3-5 vanilla pods



  1. Mix the crust ingredients together. Knead it by hand till you get a nice, even dough.
  2. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel and rest it in a cold place for an hour.
  3. Cut the dough in half -or as my pieces as many different fillings, you would like to use-.
  4. Roll one half of the dough on a floury surface as thing as possible.
  5. Use a pizza cutter to get triangles or rectangular. 
  6. Fill each triangle with the chosen filling*, fold in two sides and roll them up.
  7. Place the biscuits on a lined baking tray and bake them in a pre-heated oven at 170 °C till the edges start to be light golden brown.
  8. Cover them with your homemade vanilla icing sugar when they're still hot.

You can bake them 1 week before Christmas, then store them in a sealed tin box. It will be even better by the time. It could be a perfect edible gift!

Homemade vanilla icing sugar

  1. Place the ingredients in a sealed jar. The more vanilla pods you use, the more aromatic your icing sugar will be.
  2. Shake the jar daily or whenever you remember.
  3. After one week you can use your homemade icing sugar.

This aromatic icing sugar in a nice jar could be a lovely gift for your foodie friends and it works with granulated sugar or cane sugar too!

Crème Fraîche Biscuit - Photo by © Reka Csulak

Crème Fraîche Biscuit - Photo by © Reka Csulak

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