CLIENT: Sagalaga design (fi + JP)

BRIEF: styled product images & INSPIRATION FOR THEir end USE with food

WHEN: april 2021

WHERE: studio

WHAT: product photography, styling, concept

" Reka photo shot our products for the campaign and we couldn’t be happier for the result. She is a professional photographer with great skills of styling. It was joyful and easy to work with her."

Satu enstedt, founder of sagalaga design
Sagalaga Design - Photo by © Reka Csulak - Three Pod Studio
Sagalaga Design - Photo by © Reka Csulak - Three Pod Studio
Sagalaga Design - Photo by © Reka Csulak - Three Pod Studio
Sagalaga Design - Photo by © Reka Csulak - Three Pod Studio
Sagalaga Design - Photo by © Reka Csulak - Three Pod Studio