The Holy Whisk Blog was born in 2016 with the goal of motivating everyone to find their way back to home cooking through food-memories.
Join me for comforting recipes & culinary adventures
and let me help you level up your food photography & styling with free resources!
Showing all tagged "Rice"
Readers' love
Some of my readers wrote heartwarming testimonials, which I migrated from the "old blog-site" and keep adding new ones to the list,
so if you wish to share your thoughts on my blog and work, please feel free to reach out, then your words can be also presented below!
“Clearly food and light are the essentials for food photography and Reka brings a strong command of both. Her images are elegant and precise but with a warmth that makes them inviting and enticing. Her work is a celebration of the creative and edible arts.”
“Réka’s love, respect, and commitment to gastronomy impress me every time I see her posts on Instagram. She has a truly creative mind when it comes to recipe development and her diligence makes her stand out of the crowd. Also, she is a fun person and loves gluten. We have a lot in common. :))”
“I discovered Reka on instagram a while ago and I instantly felt in love with her style, her photos and her bakings. I lover her bread recipes and the way she shoots ice cream, I find ice cream the most difficult to shoot. She is truly an inspiration and would love to meet her one day 🙂”
“Reka is a magician in terms of turning food and beverages into stunning pictures. With all her personal charm and so many talents, she still puts a lot of professional attitude and amazing effort into every photo shooting she makes. And it pays off, just take a look of any of her pictures. So go and appreciate those perfect and pleasing to the eye art pieces of hers!”
“I follow Reka on Instagram and she is a passionate creative who has a unique eye. She adds her beautiful taste to her photography and that makes her stand out and stay unique. All the best Reka 💛”
"Reka is doing what many desire to! Her passion and creativity are her biggest qualities that absolutely shine through her inspiring and beautiful work!"
"Reka is absolutely amazing! Her commitment to food styling and photography astounds me every time. She puts in so much work into her recipes and photos — it’s evident in her posts on all social media platforms. Reading her recipes and looking at her photos always make me hungry, and I am forever inspired by her content!"
"Reka is such a talented photographer. Her Instagram account is very inspiring and I can’t wait to see her new posts. I discovered her in a facebook group when she gave me technical support/ advice on how to take better photos of wine bottles. Her photos of glassware are spectacular and I appreciate every single advice she gave me."
"Nagyon kedvelem az ilyen embereket mint Réka, igazi egyéniség amit maximálisan bele tud vinni a képeibe. És a hab a tortán az, hogy még recepteket is kapunk!!! Köszönöm!!! <3 "
"Réka fotóira véletlenül bukkantunk az Instagramon. Azonnal lenyűgözött minket a képi világa, a színekkel, a fényekkel való játéka. Gyönyörűen tálalt ételeiről már ne is beszéljünk. Nemsokkal ezután a blogját is felkerestük és ott olvastuk, hogy saját maga taposta ki ezt az ösvényt, saját maga tanult meg mindent a fényképészetről. Csak gratulálni tudunk neked Réka! Azt kívánjuk Neked – és leginkább magunk miatt – hogy ne hagyd abba a főzést és fotózást, mert a képeid függőséget okoznak."
"I love Reka’s food pictures – they are not simply mouthwatering, but almost NSFW food porn 😀 My very favorites are the Hungarian dishes that evoke my memories of childhood too. Reka has a strong storytelling vein through her pictures so I’m always happy to see her latest creations. Moreover, she is very supportive if you have any technical or photo-shooting question."
“Réka képeivel az Instagram-on találkoztam először. Rögtön feltűnt, hogy nem kispályás , gyönyörű képeket készít. Később mikor beszélgetésbe elegyedtünk elmesélte, hogy mindent magától tanult meg a szabadidejében. Igazán motiváló, hogy kitartással milyen magas szintre el lehet jutni. Kedvelem a kihívásokat is amit minden hónapban megszervez az Instagram-on és most már én is aktív résztvevője vagyok. 🙂”
"From day one I was looking for photography inspirations and food design on Instagram. I fell for this blog really since Reka posts her exquisite recipes and for me, it is important to keep innovating new tastes and share new ideas. Besides her exquisite originality, it’s really good to have her around. God Bless Reka."
“Whether I’m looking for recipe help, photography help or just want to be inspired… I know where I’m heading first. Reka clearly has so much passion for what she does, every photo she shares inspires me! I can honestly say her recipes and guides are thorough and THEY WORK! I’ve yet to make something she’s shared that hasn’t worked beautifully!”
“I am totally new to food photography, so I am always in a search of how could I improve my food photography skills.I discovered Reka in one Facebook group when she gave me some advice about what gear would be the best to upgrade my photography. When I saw her pictures and her blog I was totally blown away! Keep going! You are awesome 🙂”
“I think Reka’s blog is a great place to drool at yummy looking food in beautiful pics. What I love is that she is very helpful when it comes to advice regarding pics or recipes. And yes… her challenges are simple and very appealing to participate in. All in all – excellent!”
“I think The Holy Whisk Blog is an excellent place for people that love food and cooking. There are many international recipes, and the photo quality is outstanding. Reka is very professional, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate with her.”
“I love Réka’s sites as her creativity, passion for gastronomy is visible everywhere. She has a sophisticated sense of creating the dishes, taking photographs of them, and also motivating others in the gastronomy world by inviting them to different challenges. You are in the best place even if you are looking for a great recipe or just would like to see some nice shots of amazing dishes.”
“Réka has discovered my tableware and she was right, her dishes and my plates are the perfect match! I’m so lucky that I get to see my plates on her beautiful photos. Réka is not just a talented food blogger, but also a lovely person with so much to give.”
“Réka’s creativity got me from day one! Her pictures and recipes make me want to go over and learn everything from her 😉 And her diligent and consistent work should be an example for all of us! We need more people like Réka on social media! Keep inspiring daily! I can’t wait to see your journey & your beautiful creations 🙂”
“Réka fényképeire az Instagramon figyeltem fel. Nem lehetett nem észrevenni érzelemdús, nyugalmat sugárzó képeit. Stílusa teljesen magával ragadja az embert. Ételfotóin gyönyörűek a fények, de nemcsak a fények, hanem az ételei és süteményei is egytől egyig ínycsiklandozóak. Sokszor elkövetem azt a hibát, hogy éhesen odatévedek, és csak vágyakozva nézem a csodálatos képeit.”
“I discovered Reka thanks to Instagram and her photos are simply amazing. She has a very good eye and she gives value to all the food in her pictures. It is a source of inspiration, I love her style so much.”
“Reka is one of the most dedicated people I know when it comes to mastering her craft. Her constant drive to be the best at what she does definitely makes her worth following. Trust me.”
“A kenyér, és a kovász szeretete hozott minket össze. Nem tudom eldönteni, hogy Réka receptjeit, vagy a fotóit szeretem-e jobban. Nagyon jó ízlésre vall az a sok gyönyörű kép, ami az egyszerű, de nagyszerű receptjeit kíséri, így feldobja a napomat, ha meglátom egy-egy posztját az Instagramon.”
“I’ve met Réka as she came to a private food photography workshop to me. She jumped into photography and styling with a huge devotion, and it became soon clear that not only are her recipes creative but also her perspective is very unique. She made marvelous photos at the workshop and as evidenced here ever since.”
“Simple recipes, occasional Hungarian and Swedish culinary surprises, mouth-watering photos with a keen eye for colors, lighting and balance. That is Reka´s blog. A refreshing daily fix of inspiration on my Insta feed.”
“I follow Reka’s Instagram account and love her photos of the beautiful delicious looking dishes she whips up! Reka is incredibly personable too! I always look forward to Reka’s posts, which inspire me to try new things with my own dishes. I’m so excited to have discovered The Holy Whisk Blog.”